With getting the kids up to get to school on time, making breakfast, driving the kids to school, going to work, picking up groceries, taking one kid to soccer practice and another to a band rehearsal, cooking dinner and much more, mom and dad may not have time for a dentist appointment. When one child may need braces, it usually means tracking down an orthodontist and filling out new patient forms. However, depending on the right location, people may be able to get both at the same location.
More than just a dentist
At Avenue of the Arts Dental, patients have the opportunity to receive more than just the average dental treatment. Along with general dental services, Avenue of the Arts Dental also provides cosmetic dental care and orthodontics treatment. With the variety of dental diseases and infections in the world, it is crucial to make sure one has the best oral health possible. In other cases, dental work can also provide a patient with the perfect teeth he or she desires.
Mouthhealthy.org, by the American Dental Association, states that orthodontics is “the dental specialty concerned with the diagnosis, prevention, interception, guidance and correction of bad bites.” Orthodontics does not merely treat the appearance or alignment of one’s teeth but can help prevent infection. An individual who has crooked teeth or a misaligned bite is at a greater risk of the teeth trapping food and forming plaque. The crooked teeth can create hard-to-reach places for a toothbrush and allow the plaque to build up, leading to an infection.
With proper dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, patients can help to prevent the risk of infection such as tooth decay. From 2011 to 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, finds that 17.5 percent of children between the ages of 2 and 17 went with untreated tooth decay (dental caries). Meanwhile, 27 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 44 also went the same amount of time with untreated dental caries. Fortunately, prevention and treatment are not difficult. People can also gain the perfect smile in the process.
A beneficial investment for your health and your wallet
Patients who postpone a regular dental cleaning and examination will risk more than just their health. If an infection continues to spread in the teeth, the individual will require more intensive and expensive treatment. However, with proper dental hygiene and regular dental visits, a patient can greatly decrease the risk of infection.
For patients who have crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, braces can help to provide patients with the smile they desire. “In the past, orthodontic treatment was associated with children and teens, but today many adults seek orthodontics treatment to correct long-standing problems,” mouthhealthy.org writes. Regardless of age, most people will benefit from having straight teeth. Patients who are afraid of embarrassment from wearing braces can select clear braces that are less noticeable as well.
At Avenue of the Arts Dental, we will help patients find the healthy and perfect smile they want within their parameters. Patients have access to both dental and orthodontics treatment to ensure the healthiest mouth possible. Even when a family has a busy schedule, we can work with the patients to find a time that works for the family. More importantly, we can catch any early signs of infection before they spread and treat them.
Avenue of the Arts Dental
At Avenue of the Arts Dental in Philadelphia, PA, we will customize your treatment to match your needs and schedule. Our professional staff creates a calm atmosphere for you during the appointment and treatment process. If you have any questions or are unsure of what is causing the pain in your teeth, do not hesitate to call us.
We will answer any questions and make sure you get all of the necessary information. We can help prevent damage to your teeth and set you on track for a lifetime of pristine oral health. At Avenue of the Arts Dental, your experience with us and your dental health are our prime concern.
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